Renate Volleberg MFD
Studio Shoedesign
shoes- & accessories designer
28-10-1963 Venray
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- Studio Shoedesign is a design studio for shoes & accessoiries design. Founded by Renate Volleberg, she is an independent professional designer since 1987, and works for prominent brands children- and ladies shoes. She graduated from the Master Fashion design Art-Ez, School of the Arts, Arnhem NL and Art-Ez Productdesign BA with profession Shoe & accessories design. Next to this study her graduation at the school for handcrafted shoemaking made her profession complete. She focus on high quality and orginality. Not only the products are important but also the D.N.A. of the brand of the company. She makes concepts, designs and do also line building and sampling. Also part of the work is product development inclusive components like soles, lasts, prints, metal parts, labels and branding. Next to running the studio she did a lot of workshops, luctures at several academies and she is owner of the accessory label PUNTODORO since 2006.
- MFD Master Fashion Design, Art-Ez Arnhem, School of Arts, 2014
- Radboud University Nijmegen, Han & Art-Ez Arnhem, Masterclass 'entrepeneurial education, 2012
- Rietveld A'dam - HKU Utrecht, Didactic competence, 1997
- ArtEz Arnhem, School of the Arts, department 3D-Design,1982-1987
- M.T.S. s'Hertogenbosch, department Shoe technics, 1985-1988
Work Design Practice
- Industry: My goal is to analyse the D.N.A. of a brand and to grab trends in an early stage. After that to translate and use my skills for the company. Researching and designing seasonal footwear collections for kids: boys and girls and women.
- Experience: Design, line building, range building, product development, sourcing, fast fashion, shoe-trend forecasting, sample-development at the factories, colouring, manufacturing expertise kids, comfort footwear, patented concepts, semi orthopedic, semi sports, outdoor and active footwear.
Clients / projects
- Ligtvoet Shoes kids [NL], Rotex labels [DL], Oilily kids [NL], Spigotty kids & ladies / Bad Boys unisex / Australian unisex: The Footwear Studio Vilenzo [NL], Brakkies kids van Gastel [NL], Berkelmans men [NL], Sieben kids & ladies [NL], Piessens kids [BE], PJ Klerx en ZN BV kids & ladies [NL], Renata & Burley kids [NL], Shakti ladies comfort [NL], Red Boot Portugal kids, ladies & ladies comfort [PT], Le coq sportive kids [NL], Nimkids, Xsensible ladies comfort & semi orthopedic kids Nimco [NL], Ziengs ladies & kids [NL], Smits Picardi ladies comfort [NL], Bladelli ladies [NL], Dolcis & Manfield ladies & kids: Macintosh group [NL], Hot Ice & Miss Rose ladies: Poelman [NL], Nomad outdoor [NL], Kids shoes Dominic Leijten group [NL], MAG BV megamok ladies & kids [NL], Piedro kids & semi orthopedic [NL], Intermedium ladies [NL], My sweet shoe kids & ladies [NL], Babouche accessoires unisex [NL], BoBell kids [PT].
Winner Reddot Design Award 2015
- Red Dot Design Museum Essen Germany, 2015-2016
- Red Dot Design Museum Singapore, 2015
Publications of my artwork
- Selection:
- Shoes Gallery calendars, New York
- ‘In her shoes’, cataloque Modemuseum, Hasselt, Belgie
- Junior and Julia International shoes magazines, Italy
- Klokhuis, 6-11, Dutch TV Magazine
- ‘Items’ Design magazine, mrt/apr , NL
- Bookpresentation 20 years SHOEDESIGN Renate Volleberg
- Product Design Diversity, book, Eynde J.v.d., ArtEz, Arnhem NL
- Dutch Design van de 20ste eeuw, book Lauwen T, Bussum NL
- Mode hoofd- en bijzaken van 1000-2000, book, Conrads M, Baarn NL
- ‘Schoenontwerper, een overbodig beroep?’, book, Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Arnhem, NL
- Tekens en ketens, book, Moolhuysen-Coenders T, Schiedam NL
- Schoenendans in het modemuseum, book,Vandenberghe R, Gent, Belgium
- Z.b. Schuhe, book, Andritzki M, Giessen Germany
- Schoenen en tassen, book, Bosse I, De Bilt NL
- ‘Impuls’, international shoes magazine, Germany
- Gallery: This part of Shoedesign is the most free one. All these shoes are self-initiated projects. For her free shoe designs Renate Volleberg pursues an intuitive strategy as well as a highly conscious development of ideas, for which she makes dedicated use of strong images from the topical, fastchanging social context. She finds herself inspired by the power of colours, materials and shapes. She makes translations of her inspirations of craft traditions, historical aspects, beauty and technological craftsmanship. All shoes are designed and made by herself.
My work has been exhibited in
- France: Paris, Germany: Cologne, Frankfurt, Berlin, Bonn, Hannover, München, Swiss: Zurich, Denmark: Humlebæk, Argentina: Buenos Aires, Brasil: Rio de Janeiro, Bolivia: La Paz, Belgium: Antwerp, Gent, Haselt, Singapore and of course in the Netherlands.
Part of the collections of
- Gemeentemuseum [ s’Gravenhage - nl ]
- Zuiderzee Museum [ Enkhuizen - nl ]
- Schuh Museum [ Offenbach - de ]
- Historisch Museum het Schielandhuis [ Rotterdam - nl ]
- Private collections book 2007 : SHOEDESIGN 20 years, Renate Volleberg
- 1988- Starter stipend, Fonds BKVB 1991- Basic grant, Fonds BKVB
Activities / teaching / workshops / lectures, from 1989 till now
- Tutor Wearables, dep. Product design, Academy ArtEz, [ Arnhem - nl ]
- Organisation graduation shows with students 3D-Design, [ Utrecht - nl ]
- Accessoires voor de markt symposium, Design Academy [ Eindhoven - nl ]
- Organisation exhibitions UIT UTRECHT in galeries in Holland with students 3D-Design
- Organisation exhibition VOETSTUKKEN in the Museum for Modern Art [ Arnhem - nl ]
- Teacher Design, department 3D-Design, School of the Arts [ Utrecht - nl ]
- Visiting lecturer Academy Minerva, School of the Arts [ Groningen - nl ]
- Visiting lecturer Gerrit Rietveld Academy, School of the Arts [ Amsterdam - nl ]
- Visiting lecturer TU University, department Industrial Design [ Delft - nl ]