The products of PUNTODORO are looking for the synergy between form, craftmanship and industry. You can find them in luxury accessory shops, museumshops, design shops and galleries in The Netherlands and Belgium.
See the website www.puntodoro.com
Design, colours, comfort, luxury, modern, unique & high quality,
7 statements for this accessory brand.
PUNTODORO produce series, in different materials and every time different colours. The materials we use are 100% leather. We replace on every model the colours. This makes that the colour combination of every wallet is a unique piece. Not only the outside but also the inside.
The products of PUNTODORO are looking for the synergy between form, craftmanship and industry. You can find them in luxury accessory shops, museumshops, design shops and galleries in The Netherlands and Belgium.
See the website www.puntodoro.com